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Tag Archives: Black Panther

It’s our 24th episode! 

And it’s even kind of a sequel to our 3rd episode: The War Civil!

This week, Matt and I talk about Avengers: Infinity War!

We had a great time talking about it for this Avenger-sized extra-long episode, but there are major spoilers, so please don’t listen until you’ve seen the movie!

Follow Matt on Twitter why don’t you?


The show is on Patreon!

Support KICTM to get fun rewards, behind the scenes stuff, early access to episodes, and all new shows about all kinds of things you love!

Download the episode and Subscribe on iTunes!

Follow Chris on Twitter: @thechrishaley

Follow Keep It Close To Me on Twitter: @KICTMpodcast!

Corey Smithmier did the show’s closing music “Let’s Be Friends Again: The Series Theme Song”. Corey’s got a band called Strange Wave Connection and you should check them out!

Email the show with your questions, comments, concerns and whatever else at!

It’s our 23rd episode!

Do you like hearing your questions answered?

If you answered “yes”, then this is your lucky day!

If you answered “no”, then… maybe you’ll enjoy hearing other people’s questions answered!

Some of the topics discussed include Black Panther, Chris Jericho, Green Lantern, wrestling, Abraham Lincoln, Superman comics, wrestling, cartoons, Ikea, and somehow even more wrestling!

Follow Matt on Twitter why don’t you?


The show is on Patreon!

Support KICTM to get fun rewards, behind the scenes stuff, early access to episodes, and all new shows about all kinds of things you love!

Download the episode and Subscribe on iTunes!

Follow Chris on Twitter: @thechrishaley

Follow Keep It Close To Me on Twitter: @KICTMpodcast!

Corey Smithmier did the show’s closing music “Let’s Be Friends Again: The Series Theme Song”. Corey’s got a band called Strange Wave Connection and you should check them out!

Email the show with your questions, comments, concerns and whatever else at!